April 21, 2018
What a whirlwind 2018 has been so far! We have been hard at work improving all aspects of our clinic and would like to share some of the exciting changes with you.
Only baby can turn baby naturally, but acupuncture and moxibustion can help facilitate the optimal environment in mother for baby to move to a cephalic (head down) position. If you know baby is breeched, the optimal timing to contact your acupuncturist to begin treatment is at 34 weeks.
I always love to try new fish recipes, and recently I found a nice light recipe with a fresh flavor. The lime and cilantro are perfect for spring!
Sweaty palms, heart pounding in your chest, that panicked feeling. We are all familiar with the symptoms of anxiety; we have all experienced them at some point in our lives. However, for one-third of us, these symptoms are severe and persistent, interfering with our ability to function in our daily lives: an actual anxiety disorder.
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St. Paul, MN 55102
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