June 30, 2021

Looking for a fresh and cooling summer side dish but tired of all the same salads? This Caribbean salad features cucumber, pineapple, and tomato and all are so cooling on those hot days we have been having. As an extra boost to the coolness, this side dish also features mint.

Summer in Minnesota is a great time to practice Earthing. Earthing (also known as grounding) involves direct physical contact with the earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping outdoors connected to conductive systems that transfer the energy from the ground into the body.

Acupuncture and Low Back Pain Pain happens. Especially back pain. Pain is very common, with a ⅓ of adults suffering from some form of chronic pain (you aren’t alone!). Chronic pain costs the US around 600 BILLION dollars each year. Opioid medications are still present in the top ten list of most commonly prescribed medications […]

Meet the Team: Get to know Kathy Schoenberger SA: What brought you to a career in Traditional Chinese Medicine? KS: I was seeking a career change that would allow me to help people, which I find personally rewarding. I turned to holistic medicine to deal with some of my own health issues, discovered Chinese Medicine […]

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