Ouch! Not Again: Keeping Your Body in the Game without the Pain

Discover a Natural Path to Relief

Have you been dealing with pain that disrupts your daily life or hinders your athletic performance? You’re not alone. Millions of people find themselves seeking solutions for pain management and recovery.  And million, including professional athletes, turn to acupuncture to help them get back in the game.

How does Acupuncture Help?  It’s More Than Just Needles: Unveiling the Potential of Acupuncture

While rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, modern research is starting to understand how a simple needle placed in the correct location can help your body heal.  It suggests acupuncture may work through various mechanisms, including:

  • Stimulating the release of endorphins: These are your body’s natural painkillers, offering targeted relief.
  • Reducing inflammation: Acupuncture may help regulate the immune system, leading to faster healing and reduced pain sensitivity.
  • Improving blood flow: This can promote healing and enhance recovery, especially beneficial for athletes.
Could Acupuncture Be Right for You?

Whether you’re an athlete pushing your limits or someone managing chronic pain, acupuncture offers potential benefits: Read More

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Last Call for Winter Comfort Food?

Soup season is almost over, but there’s still time to enjoy a hearty chili!

The weather is already starting to turn warmer, but we’re still having some occasional cold snaps. If you love warm and comforting food on a cold day and overall Hygge, here’s a great recipe for you.

It’s easy to make and uses ingredients you might already have on hand (and it allows for a lot of room for improvisation!). So next time you see the forecast take a dip in temperature, be sure to cook up a pot of this chili!

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It’s Time – For the Facial Rejuvenation Special….

Facial Rejuvenation Special!

Looking for ways to improve your skin and appearance in a more natural way? The month of March we are offering $30 off your first facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatment, and $15 off a follow up visit. If you have ever been curious about giving it a try, this is a great opportunity to try this natural and effective treatment for improving the appearance of your skin.

Kathy and Katie have been through additional education specifically aimed at improving the look and health of your skin. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture has been around for centuries and is based in Chinese medicine. You can learn more about the history of facial rejuvenation acupuncture by reading Kathy’s blog article in this month’s newsletter blog.

This treatment is specifically designed to target the appearance and health of your skin. It can improve your natural beauty by nourishing your skin and potentially reducing the severity of skin conditions. It is a holistic treatment that benefits your whole body while it improves your skin. You might also see increased energy and improved sleep, and you might even find that you can think a little more clearly and handle stress better.

We’re excited to offer Read More

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Unlock Your Radiance – The History and Philosophy of Facial Acupuncture:

The Timeless Art of Facial Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture is a modern practice that has traversed centuries and is rooted in the rich tapestry of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), offering a holistic approach to beauty and rejuvenation. Delving into the historical origins of this ancient art unveils a fascinating journey that intertwines philosophy, medicine, and the pursuit of timeless elegance.

The roots of facial acupuncture can be traced back to over 2,500 years ago to the foundational principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ancient Chinese healers observed that by needling specific points along inner pathways within our bodies, similar to our network of veins, they could stimulate blood flow and influence vital energy, or Qi. Recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit, these healers realized that acupuncture could address the external manifestations of internal imbalances, such as the outward signs of aging. Read More

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