Spleen 8, an Acupressure Point for Period Pain

Period pain can be a real downer. It can disrupt your daily routine, affect your mood, and overall, make you feel less than your best. While over-the-counter pain relievers can offer some relief, we are an acupuncture clinic, so of course we are going to offer acupuncture options for you to try at home. One such method is acupressure, and today we’re focusing on a particular point: Spleen 8.

Enter the Acupoint Spleen 8?

Spleen 8, or Diji in Chinese, is an acupuncture point located on the inner side of the lower leg, about a hand’s breadth below the end of the shinbone. It’s part of the Spleen Meridian, which is important when working with Blood, digestion and energy.

How Does Spleen 8 Help with Period Pain?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that menstrual pain is often caused by a blockage of Blood flow in the body. Spleen 8 is believed to help:

  • Improve blood circulation: By stimulating this point, you can help to improve blood flow to the pelvic area, which can reduce menstrual cramps.
  • Regulate menstrual cycle: Spleen 8 is also thought to help regulate menstrual cycles, reducing the severity of period pain over time.
How to Find and Stimulate Spleen 8
  1. Locate the point: Sit or lie down with your legs extended. Place your hand on your inner knee and slide it down about a hand’s breadth. You should feel a slight indentation.
  2. Apply pressure: Use your thumb or index finger to apply firm but gentle pressure to the point. Hold for about a minute.
  3. Repeat: You can repeat this process several times a day, especially when you’re experiencing pain.  If you experience painful periods, try pressing on this point for a minute or sotwice a day for a month and see if there is an impact on the next cycle.


Additional Tips for Period Pain Relief

While Spleen 8 can be a powerful tool, it’s important to remember that it’s just one part of the puzzle. Here are some additional tips to help manage period pain:

  • Heat therapy: Applying a warm compress to your lower abdomen can help relax muscles and reduce cramps.
  • Castor Oil packs:  take your warm compress to the next level and use some castor oil, it is remarkable in how well it can treat cramping and pain.
  • Regular exercise: Regular physical activity can help alleviate menstrual symptoms.
  • Healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can support overall well-being and may help reduce period pain.

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of acupressure when done consistently over time.   Chinese medicine is a powerful tool to have in your toolbox, and acupressure on Spleen 8 just may give you some great results!

Want more help?  Reach out to set up an appointment with one of our providers, we have a lot of tools to tame your period and bring you relief!  You can call us at 651-224-6678 or set up an appointment online, and in just 6-8 weeks have real results.