
One thing that always excites us here at Selby Acupuncture is seeing news stories on the positive effects of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. We’ve had some great local and national coverage over the past month, particularly in regards to Chinese medicine’s ability to enhance the health and well-being of cancer patients.

Here are a few highlights:

Allina Study Finds Alternative Therapies Ease Cancer Pain

Integrative therapies, including acupuncture, were shown to reduce self-reported pain levels in cancer patients by 47% and cut anxiety levels by 56% at Allina’s Abbott Northwestern Hospital, according to this Star Tribune article. Besides the above-mentioned benefits, Chinese medicine is also helpful in reducing nausea, fatigue, and other side effects associated with chemotherapy and radiation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Gets Traction Among Scientists

This Wall Street Journal article reports that scientists are beginning to explore the intersection between modern science and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and utilize the long-held TCM concept that individuals with different constitutions may benefit from different treatments (something we practice in our medicine every day).

Rodgers’ Hamstring “Feeling Better Now” After Bye Week

Okay, we realize it’s risky to post this article in the land of the Minnesota Vikings, and acupuncture is only briefly mentioned, but Aaron Rodgers played better than ever after mentioning he had acupuncture on his bye week to help heal his injured hamstring. He went on to lead the Green Bay Packers to a record-setting 50+ points two weeks in a row. Coincidence? Okay, maybe . . . but we like to think the acupuncture had a little something to do with it.

(written by Sara Beth)

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