
Join us in welcoming Lauren Patridge!

“Traditional Chinese Medicine provides a framework for seeing the world: your symptoms that seem totally unrelated are actually an interlinked constellation that provide meaning and a way forward. Using the body’s messages as a guide, we can find the way towards health.”

We are excited to announce Dr. Lauren Patridge will be joining our Selby Acupuncture team beginning July 8th.

Dr. Lauren Patridge is licensed in Acupuncture by the State of Minnesota Medical Board, and board certified in Acupuncture by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Lauren earned both her Master’s in Acupuncture and Doctorate of Chinese Medicine from Northwestern Health Sciences University.

Some of the conditions she has a special interest in treating include: autoimmune conditions, painful periods, sleep and complex pain disorders. She loves working with people who are at a point of transition in their lives, whether they are sick of burnout and looking for relief, trying to start a family, or improving their physical health for their next great adventure. She believes that just because your symptoms may be common, it doesn’t mean they have to become your normal.

Lauren Patridge will be in clinic weekly on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM beginning July 8th

We sat down with Lauren Patridge to get to know her a little better:

  • SA:  What do you like best about Selby Acupuncture?
    • Lauren:  I’m excited to start working at Selby because of the amazing care that patients receive here. The team at Selby have created a beautiful environment for patients to relax and receive their treatment in. 
  • SA:  What do you like most about being an Acupuncturist?
    • Lauren:  I love hearing the joy in patient’s voices when they tell me about the improvements they are seeing in their life from acupuncture. 
  • SA:  When you’re not working, what brings you joy?
    • Lauren:  I enjoy exploring local hiking trails with my dog
  • SA:  If you could do anything tomorrow without limitations, what would that be?
    • Lauren:  I would love to go on a longer hiking trip through Europe like the famous Camino de Santiago trail in Spain


Double Lauren Trouble on Sundays!

We’re excited to announce that we now have two Laurens in clinic on Sundays! Lauren Peabody was recently married (congrats!!!) and is now Lauren Windingstad. And beginning July 9th she’s joined by Lauren Patridge. How about that! Two Laurens, a name change and expanded treatment availability!

So next time you’re booking an appointment on Sunday, be sure to select the Lauren that’s right for you!

Both Laurens are amazing providers, so you’re in good hands no matter which one you see. But please pay close attention to the name and picture when using our online scheduling system to specify which Lauren you’d like to see

Spring Clean Up!

Not many of you get to see our herbal pharmacy room.  It is way in the back of the clinic, and was definitely overdue for a freshening up! This spring, to help us re-energize, we all got together to give it the attention it deserved.  It feels great to have it cleaned up and fresh and was a good excuse for a lot of pizza, bubbly water and off duty fun!

Before                       After!   

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