Onsite Treatments for IVF Transfer

Embryo Transfers, IVF, and Acupuncture

One of the things I have the great honor of getting to do as a fertility acupuncturist is to provide on-site treatment for those going through IVF at their clinics on the day of their embryo transfer. Selby Acupuncture has worked tirelessly over the years to build relationships with local fertility clinics and we are so pleased to be able to offer this service in the metro area.

If day of embryo transfer acupuncture is brand new to you, we want to offer you information to learn more about it.  Perhaps you are already aware that onsite acupuncture for your embryo transfer is an option for you, but don’t really understand how it could help. Read on to learn more about these treatments, the protocol we use, the research behind it, and how it works through a Chinese medicine lens.

How it started:  The Paulus Protocol

The acupuncture we provide at your clinic on your transfer day is based off of a ground-breaking study published in 2002 by a physician/acupuncturist, Wolfgang Paulus. The acupuncture protocol used is appropriately titled the Paulus Protocol. In the research study, 160 women were divided into two different groups of 80- one receiving acupuncture before and after their embryo transfer, and another with no acupuncture. What was discovered was nothing short of astonishing- the treatment group (the one receiving acupuncture), had an 40% higher pregnancy rate compared to the group that had no treatment at all.

Suffice it to say this got people’s attention.

As all acupuncture points have specific functions, the points in this protocol were selected because Paulus believed they would be helpful in promoting pregnancy. Those points used before the embryo transfer focused on promoting blood flow and relaxing the uterus. Those used after had a stronger function to quiet down the immune system so that the embryo could attach and implant. A few points used both before and after focus on calming the mind. The whole protocol is designed very elegantly and specifically to maximize chances of conception.

There is one caveat here: this study is older and based off of the IVF of 2002, which obviously has advanced a great deal since its publication. However, the most recent research does still show day of transfer being beneficial, but especially in conjunction with ongoing treatment leading up to your IVF cycle, as opposed to on its own.

Is this for you?

Are you getting ready for a transfer, or getting ready to start your IVF journey and looking to maximize your chances of a positive outcome with a team that is knowledgeable and caring? Give us a call to set up your free 15-minute consult with me or my colleagues, let’s talk about how we can help you succeed.

Molly L.Ac.