Why Do We Do This Work?

(written by Julie)

So often in clinic I get asked, “Why did you go into Chinese medicine? Why do you do this work?” Before finding this medicine, as many of you know, I had a great life. I had a career that, while I didn’t absolutely adore, was satisfying enough (go chemistry!). I had almost paid off my college debt, had two very young children, and felt satisfied. I wasn’t looking for a major life shift. So why did I choose Chinese medicine, why do I do this work?

After I had my beautiful son, I became very depressed. Didn’t want to get dressed depressed. I was tired and sad, and felt terribly about it because I had two beautiful children whom I adored, but I wasn’t able to adore them. I tried everything, from medications to exercise. In desperation, I tried acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. It worked. I could sense a shift in my body and my spirit, and I gained an understanding of why my body had become depressed and how I could learn from the experience. After that, I used Chinese medicine for my family and again was blown away by the ease, simplicity and power of this ancient healthcare.

So, why do I do this work? Because it changed my life and I see it changing others every day. And I knew as soon as I learned about it that my purpose was to help others learn about it as well.

I do this work because I believe in the healing power of our bodies.

I know that just as we can become sick, we can become well.

I believe that we are not defined by illness or conditions.

I believe that we are here to live vibrant and full lives.

Chinese medicine can help ease or erase suffering, it helped me as it helped people thousands of years ago, and helps the people I treat every day. That is what I am here to do and that is what all of us at Selby Acupuncture feel called to do.

I encourage you to ask your acupuncturist their story.  We all have one, the reason we left what we knew to take this path. And the stories are good.