Onsite Treatments for IVF Transfer

Embryo Transfers, IVF, and Acupuncture

One of the things I have the great honor of getting to do as a fertility acupuncturist is to provide on-site treatment for those going through IVF at their clinics on the day of their embryo transfer. Selby Acupuncture has worked tirelessly over the years to build relationships with local fertility clinics and we are so pleased to be able to offer this service in the metro area.

If day of embryo transfer acupuncture is brand new to you, we want to offer you information to learn more about it.  Perhaps you are already aware that onsite acupuncture for your embryo transfer is an option for you, but don’t really understand how it could help. Read on to learn more about these treatments, the protocol we use, the research behind it, and how it works through a Chinese medicine lens. Read More

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Navigating Perimenopause with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Understanding Perimenopause

The transitional phase leading into menopause, known as perimenopause, typically occurs in a woman’s 40s to early 50s and can bring a host of changes to a woman’s body around her menstrual cycle. Estrogen and progesterone levels can fluctuate unpredictably, causing irregular cycles, heavier periods, heightened menstrual pain, and hot flashes or night sweats.

Along with these unwelcome physical signs, many women notice uncharacteristic mood swings, increased anxiety, and sleep issues – disruptive and distressing symptoms which leave many women increasingly stressed out and exhausted. While conventional treatments may offer relief, an increasing number of women are turning to acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to manage and alleviate these symptoms naturally.

How we can help

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September Clinic News

Now, through Sept 21st.  Purchase a package of acupuncture sessions to lock in current rates, receive gifts and bonuses, and a chance for some free acupuncture.  

Fall is upon us.

School is back in session, the days are getting shorter, and we are entering the beginning of the season change from summer into fall.  This is a favorite time of year for many, and a difficult one for others.  We here at Selby are bringing back the fall acupuncture package special to welcome in the season and support you where ever you are on that spectrum.

Fall Stress Relief Package Special 

Let’s be real.  Fall can be stressful.  And acupuncture can help.
The season change can be difficult.  Kids are getting back to school, summer vacations are over, and we are settling into the final stretch of the year. Stress affects us all.  Does it interrupt your sleep?  Affect your mood?  Has it changed your hormonal balance?  Do you experience fatigue or get cranky? Read More

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Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats!

It’s that time of year again (sooner and sooner each year)!

A major coffee shop just dropped their fall menu, and pumpkin spice is back. To celebrate, here’s a quick and heart healthy breakfast recipe that’s perfect for on-the-go. It’s packed with protein, beta carotene, and fiber. It’s a great, clean way to start your day. Plus, it’s topped with roasted pumpkin seeds for a healthy dose of magnesium and zinc (which many Americans don’t get enough of).

So, grab your favorite fall latte and enjoy!


  • 3/4 cup of old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup of your favorite regular or plant-based milk
  • 1 Tbs of pure maple syrup
  • 1 Tsp pumpkin pie spice*
  • 1/4 cup of canned pumpkin
  • 2 Tbs of roasted pumpkin seeds
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