The Water Element

Who cares anyway, nothing matters, and life is a mystery, let’s just sit back and see what happens.

  • I am content.
  • I accept what is.
  • Others think that I am lonely, but I like to be alone.
  • I am self-contained, often people don’t know what I am thinking.
  • I embrace the mystery of life and am interested more in wisdom than knowledge.
  • Sometimes I can be a bit self-critical
  • I can be afraid of the outside world, but I am not afraid of my internal world.
  • People can think I am indifferent.
  • I feel cold easily.
  • I tend to struggle with commitment and discipline (because really, who cares)
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Believe it or not, according to the Chinese solar calendar, we’ve just passed into winter, and with that, we’ve also entered into the time of the year where the water element is the strongest. In Five Element theory, every element has with it an associated emotion, taste, special type of energy, and organ. The water element has a close relationship with the Kidneys, which in Chinese medicine are the seat of long life and fertility, so let’s dive in (pun intended) and get to know this precious organ and its meridian.

The Kidney Channel

The Kidney Channel begins on the sole of the foot at a point poetically named Gushing Spring, or ‘Yong Quan’ in Chinese. From there, it travels up the inside of the calf and thigh, up through the genitals and uterus, through several other organs before finally ending on the bottom of the tongue, although its points terminate just below the collarbone.

Effectively, the kidneys are considered to be to source of all life in Chinese medicine. The Qi of every other organ system in the body depends on flourishing Kidney energy to function properly. Indeed, the Kidneys are Read More

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Nuts and Seeds: The Snack That Gives Back

The Superfoods You’re Probably Not Eating Enough Of

As Molly mentioned in her Holistic Care blog this month, nuts and seeds are nutrient-dense foods that can be a valuable part of a healthy diet. They are good sources of protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Eating nuts and seeds on a regular basis may offer a number of health benefits, including:

  • Reduced risk of heart disease: Nuts and seeds contain healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can help lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol. This can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Improved blood sugar control: Nuts and seeds are a good source of fiber, which can help slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. This can help improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Weight management: Nuts and seeds are high in calories, but they are also very filling and satisfying. This can help you eat less overall and promote weight loss or maintenance.
  • Reduced risk of cancer: Nuts and seeds contain antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage. This may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon
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Zombie watch and Moving with the Seasons… October Clinic News

Selby Team Outing – Zombie Watch

We like one another here at Selby, and getting a chance to get out of the clinic and have some fun a few times a year is one of our priorities (fun is good for you!). Our most recent adventure was something we have never tried before. You may have seen through our social media posts that we had a great team event at Sandbox VR in September. While the posts show us looking a bit like fools, playing a group VR game together was a blast. Literally.

We are happy to report, at this point it appears that we have cleared out all of the zombies and monsters so you can have a safe October!

Moving with the seasons……

Like our bodies, our world and our lives are fluid and ever changing. As we move into the next season, we are all dealing with a variety of challenges, back to school, cold and flu season, unseasonable warmth (so nice to be outside, but lots of people are feeling off with the weather) and smoke filled air just to name a few.
If you have seen us at any events, we have a T-shirt, Read More

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