Learning Chinese Medicine in Ireland.

I love to study Chinese medicine. I love Ireland. Combine the two = dreams come true!

Years ago I learned one of my favorite teachers regularly teaches in Ireland.  At the time attending seemed impossible.  I had a lot of great reasons proving to myself that it was never going to happen (too much time away, too expensive, kids in college, and a favorite told to me once from another teacher ‘you have plenty to learn here in America’).

Life isn’t always easy, and through the last few years I feel like I was given the gift of realizing not to take any time for granted.  So last fall, in a moment of following my heart, I signed up for the class in spring of 2023.  I decided to change my story and figure out a way to get to Ireland.  Appropriately, we were going to be studying about how the stories we tell can affect our lives, for illness or for healing (or for traveling to Ireland after years of longing…but I digress).   I am happy to say, I figured out how to get there, and it was everything I had hoped for.

During the trip I jotted down Read More

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May Clinic News

Freshen up for Spring with the Facial Rejuvenation Special!

It’s back!  Have you wanted to try this out, but haven’t gotten to it yet?  Through the month of May you can get $30 off your initial Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatment and $15 off your first follow-up treatment.  Looking for a natural way to slow down the signs of ageing?  Contact us for details and book your first treatment. This offer ends on May 31st.

  • If you remember, Julie wrote an article about her experience with Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture last year, Read it Here
  • If you have questions about the process Katie has written a summary in this month’s Holistic Care blog.


Welcome Tzy!

Last week Dr. Tzy Ya joined the Selby Acupuncture team. Dr. Tzy Ya is licensed in Acupuncture by the state of MN and board certified in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).  Dr. Tzy Ya earned her holds a doctorate degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) from the American Academy of Oriental and Reproductive Medicine in Roseville, MN.

Learn more about Tzy Here Read More

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Spring Herb Salad

Soon our backyards and farmers markets will be abundant with fresh herbs. Parsley, watercress, and chives shine in this easy and versatile herb salad recipe. However there are no hard and fast rules, just start with a bed of butter lettuce (or dandelion greens for a spicier taste), watercress and build from there by experimenting and substituting any herbs you like and have on hand. The freshness of this salad brings forward that feeling of spring that we have all be longing for. 

Fresh herbs can be powerhouses of natural vitamins and minerals. The following are some of the stars of this recipe: Read More

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April Clinic News… coming and going

As we move into April we have some bittersweet news.


Jessica Glahn will be stepping away from Selby Acupuncture beginning April 18th. She has brought so much to our Selby community. A gifted practitioner, she touched many lives including all of ours .

Jessica will be missed, and we wish her well on her next adventures.



Beginning April 17th we would like to welcome Dr. Tzy Ya to the Selby family. Tzy specializes in chronic muscular and joint pain as well as neuropathies, digestion disorders, insomnia, stresses, arthritis and women’s health and fertility.

Tzy enjoys the flexibilities and diversities that traditional medicine brings including; acupuncture needling, cupping, guasha, Tui Na, and herbal medicine. She likes how all modalities can be utilized to treat a variety of the mentioned symptoms by regulating, promoting, and harmonizing the body’s function and bring about healing.

In her pastime Tzy enjoys socializing with friends, listening to music, and gardening.

We are excited to have Tzy on our team! To book with Dr. Ya  Call or Book Online today.



New Product update! We recently partnered with the local CBD product company, Carpe Diem to sell their Full Spectrum CBD products. These Read More

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