Fertility Acupuncture- Should You Select a Specialist?

As the use of acupuncture and complementary medicine becomes more prevalent and accessible throughout the US and the world, more and more people are turning to these modalities to help them enhance fertility, both at home and in the assisted reproductive technology clinic. But just what does it mean when you are using acupuncture for fertility and why would working with a specialist be any better than just a highly trained acupuncturist?

First off, it’s worth noting that not everybody has access to a fertility specialist, and if that’s the case, fine. Remember that Chinese medicine is fundamentally balancing in nature, and even if your acupuncturist doesn’t specialize in treating infertility, your treatment will still benefit you. Or perhaps you already have an established relationship with your acupuncturist and you prefer to work with them, even if they might not have that training. This is fine too, and in fact, this is the beauty of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. The needles can help adjust energy and blood flow in a way that will support your goals even if the treatment is more general in nature. Read More

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3 Essential Fertility Supplements

No matter how you’re trying to conceive, there’s no doubt that the nutrients we feed our bodies help set the stage for conception, implantation, and a healthy pregnancy. Much like our gardens, the soil has a much stronger chance of producing fruit when it has been prepared prior to the seed even being planted. This is where supplements come in. Supplements are just that: isolated nutrient compounds, frequently bound to other ingredients to make them more absorbable, that serve a specific metabolic function in the body. This can often make a huge difference in your fertility journey between success or otherwise.

The internet is vast and full of so much information to the point of being dizzying. It’s often difficult to even know where to begin and what your body even needs. So, let us get rid of the guesswork for you and walk you through some of the best things to be putting into your body on your path to pregnancy. Read More

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Meridian of the Month – Liver

Meridian of the Month: Let’s talk about the Liver meridian

The Liver is the system that’s responsible for smooth flow throughout the body. As such, it’s the system most directly affected by things that cause us to tense up—stress, changes in environment and less than ideal lifestyle choices. When things aren’t flowing smoothly, we start to experience what acupuncturists think of as stagnation-type symptoms. This commonly happens in the spring as we make the adjustment from the slow hibernation of winter into the newness of spring. Read More

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