Watermelon and soup? Watermelon as a soup? Watermelon soup for some soup?

What a beautiful weekend we have just had, and well deserved after that bought of high heat earlier last week.  Last week, during our hot spell, I kept coming back to this old recipe that really helps cool you off from the inside out.  I know we have posted this before, but it is worth putting up again. Watermelon and cucumber, the main ingredients in this dish, according to Chinese medicine, are very cooling and can help relieve thirst.

Trust me, this dish is delicious!  And to prove it, we are offering a free package of our beloved Herbal Soup Mix to the first person who makes this dish and posts a picture to our Facebook or Instagram page.  Honestly, it is just that good. Read More

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Self Care After a Tough Workout

Looking for body help after a tough workout? Try adding a Sauna to your routine!

Sauna Benefits

Sauna isn’t just a way to keep the snow out of your bones. Heat is a therapy that cultures world wide have used for millennia- from the sweat lodges of the Native Americans to the classic Swedish sauna. It’s filled with benefits related to detoxification, cardiovascular health, metabolism, and a host of others. 

Conventional Sauna uses steam and ranges from 150-200 degrees Fahrenheit. The average temperature seems to be about 175 degrees. Infrared sauna works at a lower temperature to warm you more directly around using infrared radiation around 140 degrees. Most studies have been done using traditional steam sauna but there is good evidence emerging that infrared carries many of the same benefits. The predominant studies on sauna use are out of Finland and are observational studies. This is important to note arise other factors such as lifestyle and diet could also impact study results.  Read More

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Skip the Sugar and Make Your Own Electrolyte Water

Have you ever polished off a glass of water and thought, “That didn’t quench my thirst at all!”

We have all heard we should drink more water.  There are so many reasons why keeping hydrated is important.  Mild dehydration has been linked to fatigue, foggy headedness, and a lower than usual mood. Additionally, because our environment does have harmful chemicals throughout it, keeping up a good intake of filtered water can help reduce a buildup and help your body to flush out those toxins.

But how much should you be drinking?  And how do you know if it is working?  Mayo clinic recommends half your body weight in ounces.

  • Meaning;
    • 60oz water intake per 120lb body weight
    • 70oz water per 140lb
    • 80oz per 160lb, and so on.

When we sweat more due to the hot humid weather, exercising in the outdoors, or just because that is how we are built, you may notice that you can’t seem to get your thirst relieved, or you may notice continued signs of dehydration even though you are drinking enough water.  When that happens it may be time to try making your own electrolyte water.

This recipe is simple, packed with minerals, and Read More

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3 Ways Acupuncture Can Help Hip Pain

For those who have not had hip pain, it can be a real pain in the glutes.

Hip pain can feel, at times, debilitating. Chronic pain can affect our mood, energy, and quality of life.

Hip pain is caused by various factors, some of them overlapping or intermingling over time. Luckily, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in relieving hip pain. Everyone’s case is slightly different and the path to healing will be varied depending on how long the pain has been present along with other factors like, diet, age, stress, how they use their bodies daily, and so on.

We love treating hip pain.  It is one of the most respondent pain conditions to acupuncture treatment, we get results fast! 

How does Acupuncture Help with Hip Pain?
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