New Year, New You? Not Necessarily. A Healthier Approach to 2024

The new year is often seen as a time for drastic change. I have made grand resolutions to lose weight, get fit, and overhaul my life.  What if this pressure to reinvent ourselves is actually counterproductive? What if, instead of chasing unrealistic goals, we focused on making small, sustainable changes that lead to long-term health and well-being?  This year, I want to approach things a bit differently.

In this blog post, I want to explore a different approach to the new year. We’ll ask some questions that can help you ditch the pressure and focus on what truly matters for your health.

1. What are your values?

Before you start setting goals, take some time to reflect on what’s important to you. What do you value in your life? Is it family, friends, your career, your health? Once you know your values, you can start to set goals that are aligned with them.

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

We all have things we’re good at and things we’re not so good at. When it comes to your health, it’s important to be realistic about your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t try to change overnight into someone you’re not. Instead, Read More

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Healing Bone Broth

When I am feeling that I need a good recharge and reset, I turn to this wonderful ‘vibrant life in a mug’ recipe. After drinking it, my energy almost instantly responds. I found this recipe from Stephanie Myers ‘Fresh Tart’ blog a few years ago and often use it instead of a morning cup of coffee when my body needs a bit more support. You can make yourself just the pure broth and drink it in a mug (delicious), or use the broth as a soup base adding in some proteins and veggies. Read More

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January clinic news

Find us at the Arboretum, and get some free Ear Seed Acupuncture Treatments

This Saturday 1/13, we will have a table at the Winter Wellness Fair at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.

“The Arboretum’s Winter Wellness Fair is designed to help visitors find nourishment for the body, mind and soul all in one place. Visitors will be invited to come out for the day to shop at the Winter Wellness Market, take a yoga or meditation class, and explore the winter grounds at the Arboretum by walking, skiing or snowshoeing.”

This great event is perfect for fueling those 2024 self care resolutions. For details click the link above. Come out and be sure to stop by for free ear seed treatments, and to say hello!

Product Focus

Harmonize Herbal Tea Blend
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How deep do you put that needle? The nitty gritty on acupuncture needles and needling techniques

Let’s Talk Acupuncture Needles and Needling Techniques

  • How long are needles?
  • How do you get them in so quickly?
  • Why do you twist them around?
  • Why do I feel them sometimes, and other times not?

Even after inserting literally hundreds of thousands of needles, I am still in awe of this tiny little metallic ‘lightning rod’ that can initiate physical and emotional healing.

When I had my first acupuncture treatment, many years ago, I was all questions.  Trying to understand what in the world was going on, what they were doing, and why it seemed to be working.  Today I want to attempt to answer a portion of that question and tell you a bit about needling itself. Read More

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