Warming Ginger Tea for Nausea

Did you know making fresh ginger tea at home only takes about 5 minutes? Ginger root or “Sheng Jiang”  is a traditional Chinese herb known for its warming qualities, cold fighting abilities, and digestive supporting benefits such as reducing morning sickness.

Within our clinic, we see plenty of pregnant women. So you can imagine we often suggest making fresh ginger tea at home as a quick and easy way to help reduce nausea. In one study, ginger was found to be an effective and safe way to reduce nausea due to morning sickness in pregnant women compared to a placebo (1).

Here is how you make it:

  1. Select a thumb size ginger chunk, slice off the peel, and cut into a two inch long rectangle.
  2. Slice the ginger into 5 or so thin strips.
  3. Combine one cup of water with the ginger slices into a pot
  4. Bring this to a boil
  5. Then let simmer for 5 minutes
  6. Strain the liquid into a mug and enjoy!

Optional: try adding a bit of honey into the ginger tea to add a bit of sweetness.

Katie Steffensen L.A.c.



  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3995184/
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Bao He Wan to the Rescue!

It begins.

Innocently at first with leftover Halloween candy, snacks at gatherings, maybe an extra glass of wine you didn’t plan for. Then before you know it, overeating season is in full swing. While I can never seem to completely avoid indulging during this festive time of year, I lean heavily on the wisdom of Chinese medicine to help support my digestion though it. Today, let’s talk about a formula that does this beautifully. So beautifully in fact that it shows up to every Thanksgiving dinner with me. It’s called Bao He Wan. Read More

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We appreciate you! And..the pumpkin contest, who won?

We can’t believe it, but it was 15 years ago that Selby Acupuncture first opened its doors. A lot has changed over the years, but what has never changed in all that time is the gratitude we have to be able to support you and the people you love on your paths to healing.

To show our love, we want to give you some small tokens of our gratitude.  Feel free to pick a stone and enjoy a chocolate truffle at your next appointment.*   And, anyone who comes in to visit us November 1- 15th will automatically be put into a drawing for a sweet little gift basket of goodies! Read More

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What is that point? Learn about Leique, Lung 7

The leaves are changing and it’s now officially cold and flu season. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, the treatment of ear, nose and throat conditions related to colds and flus dates as far back as the Zhou dynasty, where Bian Que (407 – 310 BCE) is credited as the first acupuncture physician to specialize in otolaryngology. According to TCM, the most common cause of colds and flus is the “contraction of evil qi through pathogenic wind invasion” which loosely equates to viral, bacterial or fungal infection. So yes, there are points for that. And today we are getting to know the acupuncture point called Lung 7.

This point is also known as lieque or Broken Sequence. This point is typically in an acupuncturist’s top 40 points they use each day. Chances are that you’ve had this point during your treatment, even if you weren’t coming in for cold or flu as it has many uses aside from that.

Where is it:

Lung 7 is located on the radial aspect (thumb side) of the wrist. It is about 1.5 inches above the wrist crease. For anatomy lovers, it is located proximal to the styloid process on the radius Read More

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