Kitchen Medicine: Treat acne with simple ingredients from your kitchen

Noticing any ‘maskne’ or acne associated with wearing a face mask?
Does stress always show up on your skin?
How about pimples before your period?

Are you not a teenager, but are starting to feel like one because you are breaking out all the time? Acne, while common, can negatively affect our self-esteem in significant ways.  There are simple, but effective things you can do at home to help.

An easy at-home topical treatment for acne or sores of the skin is to make an herbal compress with a few ingredients that you’re likely to have around the house.  The compress is appropriate for any areas of concern, your face, chest or back,  that are red and ‘hot’ looking: acne, sores, and even hemorrhoids. One can also drink a tea made of several of the ingredients to help skin clear and heal from the inside out.

  • Magnesium and dandelion help detoxify the skin and clear redness.
  • Magnesium and chamomile help reduce inflammation and have been shown to reach the deeper levels of the skin.
  • Chamomile has been shown to encourage wound healing.
  • Raw honey has been used for a millennium in skin care and is hydrating, anti fungal, and antibacterial.
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Can we have a re-do? And really, there is something more?

Open House 2.0 – Free Acupuncture at our Edina location!

Can We Have a Re-Do?
Do you like Free Acupuncture?

Edina Clinic Open House – Thursday April 28th, 4-7pm
Free Acupuncture!

Our Edina clinic opened in late January of 2020, little did we know that the world was about to make a huge shift.  Things shut down, we all had to take shelter, and we weren’t able to properly introduce ourselves to our new community.  So, we are calling a ‘re-do’ and throwing an open house.  Come meet the newest wellness team to the neighborhood, tour the space, enjoy some free stress relief ear acupuncture treatments, and partake in some healthy (and not so healthy) refreshments.   We can’t wait to show you around, share our space and learn more about how we can help to serve all of you!  And, give you some free acupuncture for stress.  It’s been a tough few years, let us help. 


And What?  Did you say $30 off an Initial Facial Rejuvination Treatment in our Edina location?

Yes We Did!

You deserve to look and feel great.  Read More

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Acupuncture Points to Relieve Anxiety and Calm Your Spirit

Anxiety is extremely common. In the U.S. nearly 1 in 5 adults has an anxiety disorder, and 30% of American adults and children experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Unsurprisingly, these numbers have risen in recent years.

Anxiety can be a normal response in stressful situations, such as public speaking or taking a test. It’s common to occasionally feel:

  • a little fearful or apprehensive
  • physically tense
  • mildly sweaty
  • unsure of oneself

This kind of anxiety is hard-wired into our systems like an alarm, originally meant to help us survive a predator attack in prehistoric times. Today, this response helps us sharpen our focus and drive in giving that speech or taking that big exam. It is situational and temporary.

When these feelings intensify, persist and affect daily life, this is clinical anxiety. Symptoms may include: Read More

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Home Tips for Seasonal Allergies

The ground can be seen and only rarely interrupted by the exceedingly rare patches of snow and the birds are returning. I think it’s safe enough to say: spring is happening! And with spring comes molds, pollens, and allergens. Many of us find ourselves in itchy situations. 

Chinese medicine theory teaches us that Wind, as an elemental factor, carries dis-ease. It makes some level of poetic sense with how windy spring season can literally be. The air around us is carrying more substances this time of year that may enter into us and cause injury. 

We’d recommend several steps to help ease the spring time allergies.  Read More

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