Clinic News – Meet the Team – New Provider and More!

Meet the Team:
Get to know Kathy Schoenberger

  • SA: What brought you to a career in Traditional Chinese Medicine?
    • KS: I was seeking a career change that would allow me to help people, which I find personally rewarding. I turned to holistic medicine to deal with some of my own health issues, discovered Chinese Medicine along the way and knew it was something I wanted to practice.
  • SA: What do you like most about being an Acupuncturist?
    • KS: What I like most about being an Acupuncturist is really connecting with patients, getting to know them as individuals, discovering what will most improve their health within TCM and benefiting from their experiences and wisdom.
  • SA: When you’re not working what brings you joy?
    • KS: What brings me joy is being outside in nature. I love to hike somewhere surrounded by trees, or bike on a trail alongside a river or lake.
  • SA: If you could do anything you wanted tomorrow without limitations, what would that be?
    • KS: If I had no limitations I’d love to do some extended traveling. I’ve always wanted to see Croatia and Slovenia and get back to Greece!
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Clinic News – Education Series – Meet the Team – New Provider and more!

Our Lunchtime Educational series continues On June 10th.

This month’s talk will be “A Journey Through the Soul According to Chinese Medicine!

Join Molly to learn about the five types of souls or spirits according to the tradition of Chinese medicine.   Have you ever heard the terms the Hun and the Po?  Curious about the idea the heavenly spirit joining with the earthly spirit to create conception?  Want a new perspective on willpower and thinking?  Molly will introduce you to these concepts and more.  This rich tradition offers us another way to understand and look at who we are in our world.  We promise, this is going to be a super interesting and fun talk!

Meet the Team, Get to know Joanna Willis
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Forest Bathing for Health

When was the last time you really just took in the textures, smells, and sounds of the forest? If you’re like the majority of Americans, your access to the forest may be limited. According to census data, 80% of the US population lives in urban areas. On top of that factor, most people find themselves living in multiple boxes (whether that is a car, house, or office) enclosed from the outside environment. Our senses are meant to pick up more than just the sound of the A/C and hum of the computer.

“Forest bathing” is directly translated from the Japanese word shinrin-yoku. Skinrin means forest and yoku means bath. To bathe in the forest is to be completely saturated in the details one’s senses can pick up within it. During forest bathing there is no goal other than to sense what is around you in the forest amongst the trees. Shinrin-yoku is to be submerged in the sounds of the wind rustling the leaves of the forest canopy while you feel the wind through your own fingertips outstretched. To bathe in the forest is to slowly walk and to notice each fallen leaf alongside the trail as you gently pass. Read More

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Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate… with a Homemade Electrolyte Drink

As I write this, one of the first hot, sultry days of the season is upon us here in Minnesota. High temps–high humidity tropical, but with pine trees instead of palm trees. Some love it, some hate it, everyone has their opinions, but you can’t argue the need to replace the body fluids lost from sweating on days like these. Instead of turning to leading brand sports drinks for hydration, consider making your own! It’s super easy and affordable and you’ll get a did-it-myself boost to boot.

Electrolytes are minerals essential for many of our basic body functions, and when our levels become too low we can get dehydrated, dizzy, and muscle cramps. Coconut water, sea salt, and raw honey all feature in this recipe for their essential mineral content, including potassium and sodium. Keep a batch of this on hand to stay hydrated this summer and beyond:


3 cups coconut water

1 cup water

½ cup fresh lime or lemon juice

¼ teaspoon sea salt

2 tablespoons raw honey

8 drops ConcenTrace trace mineral drops (optional)*


Combine all ingredients in a pitcher or large jar and store in the refrigerator.

*If you want to add to the Read More

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